My early "Review"

I like the game, and I’ve liked the Ori games as well.
I have had “bugs” every time I play. Getting stuck on random terrain (rolls usually get me unstuck), enemies floating in the air when they get pushed off cliffs, chests inside each other, or floating just above the ground and are unable to be opened. Some of the plants in front of the level 2+ inn are insane. they burst into existence it seems, and sometimes violently flail around. Mostly the kind of bugs that don’t really hurt the fun though.

I’m not super happy with the equipment. After you spend the time leveling your stuff up, you get something that is a slight improvement, but only after you level it up too, but the materials (especially armor shards or whatever) are not common enough to make that a real option. With the weight restrictions being so tight I can’t really change my gear, and I doubled my weight allowance. Oh, and the negatives that get placed on enhanced stuff, are not worth the bonuses given by a long shot most of the time.

Storage and the “boss reward” of increasing storage are not good. I was REALLY disappointed when I found out all you get is more inventory space. Maybe find a different way to increase storage, that’s a fine idea actually. But boss rewards should be a lot cooler. Maybe “craft” a choice of weapons/armor, permanent stat increases or maybe buffs like attack speed, stamina reduction, or fall height allowance.

My biggest beef however is the Cerim Crucible. I was happily playing through the game, doing some extra farming to build the time here and there, and enjoying things. Difficulty felt fine. Some common enemies were mostly pushovers, and some were a challenge. I then hit the Crucible, and as far as I can tell, this is required for the story? And there are no other paths I can find. So my options are to grind the too easy world, or get smashed to pieces in the crucible? I have leveled several times and made many attempts at beating it. But one slip up, bad timed roll/block/parry and I die, and any progress is gone, being forced to start the whole long too hard thing over again? At this point, I no longer want to play because of the huge difference in difficulty. I think I’m 24 now, wearing the toughest armor I’ve found, and I can die fast still. Just two of those Knights (and those annoying Pyro guys) can take me down if I’m not really careful, and in some places, there are 3 or 4 that end up on you. Now, since there are multiple alters, I assume there are multiple crucible events? How about you make the first one that is mandatory shorter? Just 3 rooms to complete or something, tone down the knights, and the huge brutes in there a bit. At least then it would not feel like a different game once you get to this point.