Mouse gameplay improvement suggestions

Hi there,

Here are few humble suggestions that may improve the experience for mouse-players like me:

1/ MOST IMPORTANT: parameters to adjust the size and the shape/color/animation of the mouse cursor (with shiny/sparkling options :star_struck:), as in the combat action I easily loose track of its position

2/ another parameter to avoid that the cursor goes out of the game window (yes I’m also a multi-screen player, I really accumulate bad marks :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

3/ a better detection and/or bigger interaction zone for interactive elements like chests or doors, as at least with the mouse it can be sometimes tricky to get in the right position to interact

And 3 other more generic suggestions:

  • a function to automatically optimize the stacking of items in the inventory (PLEASE!)
  • an indicator of % of discovery of the map
  • a timer for daily and weekly quests (yes I know, I’m not the first one here)

For the rest (of the wicked :unamused:) this game is just perfect, I look so much forward to see the next chapters and zones!
Thanks a lot for this beautiful piece of art!