Memory Leak found with Realm Farming for Inventory Slot Unlocks

Original Post - Process to find the Leak, Repeatable (for me)

I just wanted to mainly point out, the 100MB-300MB increase of quitting a REALM to the Main Menu, and starting another realm, with increased SYSRAM usages, and followup runs ADD to that effect, affecting performance further in small ways, but overall still a memory leak… growing over time.

Game Logs, DXDIAG, Video Evidence (1 hour edited down to 10 mins)
Video contains my first run in total (x300 Speed)
Followed by edits showing RAM usage increases on subsequent runs, and the last two runs are again in totality.

Thankyou for all your hard work, It is appreciated and I am really enjoying my current build.
Regards, Steven

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End of Run 2

End of Last Run

Go into your Player.doc
AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked

You will see a hell of a mess xD

I failed to read EDIT sorry OP

The game even outputs an error for a memory leak in Player-prev.log

Internal: There are remaining Allocations on the JobTempAlloc. This is a leak, and will impact performance

I don’t think it’s the same leak that OP reported tho, because I’ve not been able to reproduce the memory leak they reported, but I have this error in my logs (OP has this error too). So it seems there might be several memory leaks.

ya i didn’t see that google doc link on phone. Focus on the SS and thought he was just using a program. My bad on that. Sorry.
I tried to run it in real time but its storing else where and updating the log. I sat in one spot for 10 min with a new log. Logged out and filled up again with 700k characters.