Main quest bugged

I ran into a problem.
After killing the boss of the twins and watching the cut scene in the city, the girl refuses to open the Crucible.
I left the game, changed the realm, but when I returned, everything was the same. Tried with and without ember in the bag
What to do about it? Need to go through the story in a new world? This is very inconvenient, because… the city was built entirely.

Cheers, GroZzy.

Problem solved, read below :upside_down_face:

(I’m not crazy)

Yes, I have the same problem. there is a book in your inventory, you have to give it to the girl to open it. but she doesn’t open it, she acts like there is no book.

Did you talk to Roan at the square? When he gave me the book, it fell on the ground and I picked it up. ?

I see the book in my bag in the new playthrough, he just gave it to me

did you try to touch the thing in the middle of the room?

So, how to fix

  1. New walkthrough.
  2. Swap your layer to “home” layer with the book in bag
  3. ???
  4. Profit!11!1!

i don’t really follow right now, but if you thought i’m trolling you, i wasn’t. I was just trying to figure out a solution with you. so did you manage to fix the problem?

ah, here we go, you’re not the only ones Crucible quest Broken - #4 by Nexferoh

It’s ok, problem solved