Looking for information regarding the supported wiki

Which wiki is being officially supported?

I’m looking to contribute, please reach out with any information on the wiki team.

Wiki is being developed here on the forum, kinda.


and where is that wiki ?

it is currently unlisted, because we are still working on it. it has very little information so far. But once we have some more information on it, we will list it :slight_smile:

Are you taking volunteers to help with contributions?

sure, the wiki post is limited tho. we have edit permissions for regulars and mods and admins. but we will also link a google doc where you can share input if you are not (yet) a regular.

we are currently testing a few things, tables, links, etc. once that is done we will list the topic.

Where could I find that google doc? :slight_smile: Or if you could DM how to get in contact, that would also work!

not sure if @BowUser already has a google doc? if not i will create one later. it will also be linked in the wiki post.

Uh. Yeah I got mine with all my notes.

Probably cleaner to let them work off a clean page. Info dump, we check, etc.

Or… Thought.

Instead of the link to a central doc for people without perms, just have the link go to an unlisted thread where people can put their own doc/sheet for review as a reply. Easier to make off what’s been reviewed and what not.