Let us spend Fallen Embers to retry the Echo Knight boss

Everyone is cheesing this boss with the Alt+F4 save glitch, so clearly something needs to be changed.

I think being able to spend a Fallen Ember to retry the boss after death would be an elegant solution.

If that’s too easy or if it doesn’t fit the rouge-like gameplay of the Crucible, then a solution could be to have the Fallen Ember cost go up every time the player dies (or every number of times, like after every third death as an example, whatever would be the most balanced/fun). The cost could then reset either when the boss is defeated or if the player decides to start over the Crucible and run through the dungeons again to avoid the high cost.

I don’t know how many times the average player dies to this boss, so I don’t know which one of these would be the more balanced solution, but I would take either one over what we have now.

I just wanted to throw these ideas out there, and the devs can decide how they want to implement them (if at all).

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I completely agree that retrying the echo knight should be possible, even at a cost of embers or something else. I think I’ve tried the crucible around 25-30 times. It took me about 10 tries on just the boss to win once, and I’ve reached the boss 5 more times since then with no luck. I’d be totally fine with losing this much if this was a boss that I could easily keep coming back to, but having to go through the entire crucible which takes like 15ish minutes is just agony

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