Lack of Difficulty

Alright, so first time playing in a couple of months and I’ve been eagerly awaiting the first big update. Visually, I’m liking it. Some of the new mechanics like the boon system are cool. However, there’s no real feeling of you becoming more powerful because everything is too easy. I made a new character, got to lvl 9 with a 13 damage spear and went into the Crucible. On my first attempt I nearly cleared it, with my meager 10 hp. I was looking forward to the new builds that would be possible with the boons but if a lvl 9 guy with no points in hp and a 13 damage spear can beat it, I don’t even want to see what my lvl 30 characters with infinite focus and 50+ damage weapons would do.

Perhaps crank things up every few rooms? Echo Knight doesn’t even 1 shot me with the starting health. Seems off.

What boons did you have?

Roguelikes often allow you to trivialize content if you get lucky with upgrades.

Just basic ones like more damage, plague damage, rune over time, extra life.

But even before the boons, I was 2 shotting the mobs with a starter spear and I wasn’t being 1 tapped. In the previous build the crucible mobs were nearly twice as strong as they are now, boons aside.

I do understand it can feel too easy but you gotta remember we’re enthusiasts, we’re quite the minority. Most people find the Crucible quite difficult, you’re especially a minority if you’re doing it with base health. What was your actual loadout like(armor rating, roll, etc)?

Just some random armor, not even full gear. Just a chest piece and some gloves. One of the spears you can buy/craft early on and the starter bow.

I do think in hindsight that the boss did likely one shot me but I didn’t notice because I had a couple of extra lives but it doesn’t make a noticeable sound que so I thought I only got hit for half health or so.

I get that they want the game to be playable for the majority of people, but at the same time The Crucible is meant to be a challenge and it currently isn’t there. I mean, I’m sure many of us are coming off of Shadow of the Erdtree and the basic mobs in that have killed me more than The Crucible ever will. (Unless it’s changed)

that honestly sounds like a bug or you’re right about the second lives. If you were really good at evasion I could see you tapping through the crucible, that’s not a matter of damage numbers that’s just a matter of you being good man. Although IDK how you tolerated that, that would be a slog with how much health EK has

Yeah one of my runs took a long time. I think I was only hitting him for half a percent with each hit. So I upgraded the spear and threw lightning on it. Still haven’t beat him yet but I noticed my drivers were out of date so I’m going to see if I can do it with more fps lol.

EDIT: Actually now I do think it’s bugged because I just started a near naked run and I’m taking even less damage now.

That’s 1 hit from a witch clubbing me with the wood beam and it barely hurt.

Okay I beat him but 100% the game is bugged. I made a report of it. I took the same damage naked or armored. Also, focus gain is even crazier now. I was already getting 5% focus per hit with my gear, with some of the boons I was getting over 10% per hit. Stun locked the guy outside of 3 attacks he got to use between both phase 1 and 2 combined.

Beat him naked, as the devs intended

Lvl 12 btw

yep now that makes sense, like I believe you’re good dw but getting hit and not getting one-shot just didn’t make sense lol

Took it up a notch and did it naked, lvl 12, no boons. Wouldn’t call me good though. Infinite focus stun locks him 90% of the fight.