Item suggestion: Legendary shield, Lightning/Surge protector

I will leave a reference below, because that was not entirely my idea, but evolved from that referenced post.

I want to suggest a legendary shield, called lightning protector or surge protector (pun intended).
It is a shield that triggers a lightning strike (LS) at the position of the player, frying everything (the player included) if not evaded. It should have some indication, like glow and or particles before it strikes. (think about hair rising up in strong electic fields).
The LS is could be randomly occuring (maybe excluding in the city), or be triggered by some event (blocking or parrying for example). I would like some combination like 5% chance to trigger a LS 5-60 s after a successful block, and it should stack. That would keep the random component and also not activate on will, but were not entirely random.

I can see the following scenarios:

  • player blocks a few times, and a few LS stack up, but the player does not know how many
  • in the fight a LS indicates, the player evades, and nothing else happens
  • in the fight a LS indicates, the player evades, but the enemy is hit instead
  • in the fight a LS indicates, the player fails to evade, and dies, but then another one comes and kills the enemy too
  • after the fight the player thinks he is safe, but there comes one more LS and hits the player unprepared.

And since that is a big downside, maybe it needs some more upside, like:
Lightning damage fills up focus and stamina. Focus and stamina obtained this was can overcharge focus and stamina to 200% for 10 seconds, and increases general speed by 100% for 10 seconds.

Here the promised link: