Is there any runes for 1h mace that can stagger the Echo Knight?

Is there any runes for 1h mace that can stagger the Echo Knight?
Like fire nova(2h) or lighting strike(staves)?

(Because for a pure faith build there are no real 2h options (only one is dried hive with a very low base damage of 15)

I use a 1h mace and I haven’t come across any that can do it in one attack. That being said I really like Crushing Flurry. If you have cold or lightning damage than this rune will fill the Echo Knight’s stagger bar a good chunk.

Uhh there’s the one blue sparkly butter knife looking thing… It’s 42 wisdom, it does a large ice radial attack if I’m not mistaken.

I was briefly running it on my faith build, that should be able to stagger Echo Knight pretty reliably.

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