Healing in no rest for the wicked

I love the art style combat pretty much everything (besides constant frame drops)

I also understand the difficulty of the game since I play souls likes but healing in the game is not very good and could leave you soft locked if you haven’t got any crafting materials

I think it would be great if we could get healing pots as a primary source for healing and food crafting for other status effects

Maybe only at the very beginning there are problems with food, but when you have explored most of the first location, this problem disappears. If you run out of food, you can always spend literally 2 minutes to collect resources for a new one. And there will be a lot of these resources.
And then it will often fall on its own.

My experience, yours may be different of course.


I still think having healing pots would be a great addition to the game considering you are going to be punished and healing constantly for your mistakes having the healing pots will make it less stressful and leave the food crafting for other status effects like damage, stamina buffs etc. leaving that as an option

No thank you. You can keep farming food though on new realms. The game is too generous after the first boss Nd you’ll swim in mushroom soup shortly after.


well then they should make it generous from the beginning

Maybe this game is not about social welfare?

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yeah nice well its a game and it should benefit players that are good or bad

It is pretty generous in the beginning already if you explore most of the beginning part of the game before the first boss. I think I got over 30 mushroom potions before the first boss. You can try not wasting too many pots against normal mobs. It is ok to run away, kite them around, or just die if you are low on hp.

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That is not how games work; games have QoL features that improve the experience but a game should never be easy… (unless your playing a kids game)

I personally believe that the game should never get easier; only the player should get smarter.

Games are meant to have a balance between challenge and reward that then keeps them engaged, It’s called the “Flow Channel”.

So, you could say that I am kinda telling you to get better… which you will, when you start to experiment with all the systems the game has to offer. It’s about learning them.


im not struggling on the game its just an annoyance to find recourses for healing when you run out and plus the only thing that make it more difficult is the frame drops

Just explore, this game rewards you for exploring. As soon as you get to Sacrament and beyond there isn’t really an issue due to past areas you visited refreshing.

I do however understand about the performance, it makes it wayyy harder during fights.

If you don’t have patience to gather resources, sell your stuff and buy food from the chef. I personally found no problem, there are abundance of food materials even in the early game, cooking barely took few seconds, and I constantly have several stacks of mushroom soup, the very basic recipe that I still use until the last story boss. Tbh I often sell other food stuff because it’s eating my inventory. Mushroom soup and crab chowder js nore than enough. Not that I’m good at the game in any way. I use food constantly too.

Too much access to food is part of the problem.

When you start the game, it’s easy to run out of healing and it’s kind of rough - especially if you need multiple attempts on a boss. No one wants to keep farming healing items while trying to learn a boss’s moves.

Later on, you have essentially infinite healing, which allows you to beat bosses by just chugging healing items. This can make bosses feel trivial.

Both of those situations aren’t ideal. I love Bloodborne, but blood vials (non-replenishing, farmable healing) was easily the worst part of the game.

So, I think the healing system can be too punishing at early levels, deepending on player skill. However right after the first boss, have access to a tiny quest that gives you a chef who sells ingredients and meals, also there’s two types of healing runes you can enchant on your weapon.

the only way to get full health is by eating dying or leveling up when you find the cerim whisper its kind of like your check point and a stress relief but you don’t even get healing from that and so you constantly either waste resources to heal or money to repair its annoying

You can use cheat engine to get god mode if you like that gameplay better.

right so its just a balancing issue atm i guess

There’s also two runes you can use. Health regen items work pretty well. Vampire rings. Easiest way is to get health on kill items, they are pretty broken atm.

Healing is really only a problem before you get to sacrament, after that, it becomes almost too easy.

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thanks for actually telling me solutions unlike other people in this
for now I am going to hold out until the fps is fixed

It is and it isn’t. Healing items that run out makes perfect sense against enemies that don’t respawn.

That design works less well against bosses that are meant to be difficult, where players are meant to try multiple times before succeeding. My main concern is that someone will do this:

  • Players are running out of health items while fighting bosses
  • We need to balance bosses
  • Therefore bosses should be easier

I really don’t want that.