Give me boots please! And less weapon slots?

Now about the current state of equipment, anyone else wondering why there is no boots slot? I think its in terrible need. I dont like a barefooted character because of the leg piece armor doesnt have shoes built in. With this, other items (or affixes rather) can also be rebalanced to not pump power too much with the addition of another gear slot.

OR… Decrease the number of Mainhand and Offhand slots. Just 2 slots for Mainhand and Offhand instead of 3. It kind of feels awkward having 3 weapons to swap through, and in the sweet science of combat, its confusing to cycle through. Having just 2 makes it more fluid. Also, would it be too much to ask if the other gear in the slots would be animated on your character and just be holstered? It would create a totally unique look for your character.