Gimme More (Artemisia) Herb! =)

A few of the common cooking recipes require Artemisia Herb and this always seems to be the ingredient I run out of first even though I constantly pick up everything as I explore. I usually have plenty of mushrooms and other ingredients, just not enough Artemisia. Increasing the number of Artemisia that spawn in the world would help balance this. Probably need 50-100% more than currently available.


Gordon, the cook, sells infinite Artemisia herbs, I think from Tier 2.

Right, but then you burn through gold buying it. I’d prefer to have a better balance from exploring/foraging.

Right, but then you burn through gold buying it.

Then you can also sell the existing materials you loot because you can buy them now, so now you also have more money, which is easy to come by anyway.

I’d prefer to have a better balance from exploring/foraging.

There’s a massive patch mushrooms and Artemisia south of Warrick. There’s another massive patch of consumables south of the entrance to the Nameless pass. There’s also loads in a patch in the city and also a massive group of mushrooms within the entrance to Farak, not to mention that Mariner’s keep is also filled with Artemisia. It honestly feels like you eat more than you need to.

Thanks for the tips. I had not found a couple of those spots. I’ll check them out. As for gold, I feel I burn through it pretty quickly when buying ingredients, but maybe I’m handing onto extra items more than you are.

I keep nothing lol. Either I’m wearing it now, or it’s going to the vendor. It’s a grindy game. More loot will come.

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lol yes that’s where we’re different. I’m trying to hang onto special resources and decent items I find in case I want to do something with them later. I guess it just different approaches, but I can see how you would have a lot more gold than me.