Feature Request: Swap Runic Slots

Not a necessary feature, but it would be cool to swap the runics, because i constantly have to get used to which runics are slotted to which direction input. Got multiple staves, with similar to same runics of different elements, just slotted differently.

Again, not a necessary feature, but would be nice.


yes to this. would also help with enchantments since the “last two” slots get removed, i would love the ability to chance those slots, so when enchanting a staff with 4 runes, i can decide which to keep.

but i respect if that’s intentional.

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traction on this please

Mentioned the same thing, my post is buried. Hopefully this gets some traction :pray:

Yea, 100% for this suggestion as well.

can you link your post? it might help keep suggestions with similar ideas together. whenever i find duplicate posts, i try to link them together

I can

But I don’t know what good it will do. It didn’t get any traction and was just a suggestion. I’m more than happy just to +1 any topic I support.

No clue if this is how it actually works but I’m avoiding large feedback posting in lieu of short bits or feedback looking for votes/comments on the topic. Assuming more votes = more developer interests.

I can but I don’t know what good it’ll do cause it’s just a dead thread that didn’t get any interaction. There that sounds better

Edit 2:
We vote Chemile0n for website mod? All in favor?

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I’d also like a similar feature for infused affixes. So only for slots which we infused ourselves, not doable on already-rolled ones from magic, cursed or legendary items.

The tradeoff for both features should be a pretty steep money & resource cost however. Maybe even a particular (and extra rare) resource that’s only useful for this scenario. Something like a Crucible-only drop to give an extra incentive of playing that mode?

Idk… Crucible should be reward enough to get good loot and let it be that. I guess I should say the possibility of a nice drop/crafting materials.

Just because we have crucible now I don’t think we should be advocating for slapping every QoL change to crucible. Just my thought anyways.

In addition I think we talking about two separate issues one being a substantial change (rune override) and one being just a QoL key input shuffle.

Why should anyone be penalized for wanting blink on the same key bind or any other rune on the same input between different weapons?

Oh crap, I gotta apologize as I completely misunderstood the initial request for what’s pretty much a rune override option.

On the rune slot swap idea, sure I don’t see why it shouldn’t be an option. Pretty nifty QoL for sure!

Regarding the override though, I think restricting said feature to endgame modes would encourage players to challenge themselves for the ultimate reward, a way to further change our build.

Would help alleviate “aimless” grinding with the hope of that one ultra rare item finally drops for you. I thought of that because I don’t see focused gear drops for gear other than uniques (bosses/minibosses).

And yeah, it’s a pretty substantial change, one I am now starting to think I would be fine without really. Respec is probably enough as it is and further than that would ultimately depend from the game’s full scope and included activities.

When I suggested it (rune replacement) I based it of the current state of crafting and drops.

Without going into a crafting discussion, the short story for me is we don’t actually have one. Aside from whites which you can influence exactly what you want, from a reduced pool of affixes and a reduced effective roll on those affixes the rest of the game is a improbably pit of RNG and feels terrible imo.

If a purely RNG system is to remain my feedback/ask has been to allow for continuous improvement to a piece of equipment. Which we don’t currently have, rewarding actually play time.

Same with runes, same with affixes. So don’t brick an item because you wanna change runes. Or forcing us to “craft” additional copies in the current RNG system just feels bad, doubly so with the lack of resources available to us