Feature Request: Swap Runic Slots

Not a necessary feature, but it would be cool to swap the runics, because i constantly have to get used to which runics are slotted to which direction input. Got multiple staves, with similar to same runics of different elements, just slotted differently.

Again, not a necessary feature, but would be nice.


yes to this. would also help with enchantments since the “last two” slots get removed, i would love the ability to chance those slots, so when enchanting a staff with 4 runes, i can decide which to keep.

but i respect if that’s intentional.

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traction on this please

Yea, 100% for this suggestion as well.

can you link your post? it might help keep suggestions with similar ideas together. whenever i find duplicate posts, i try to link them together

I’d also like a similar feature for infused affixes. So only for slots which we infused ourselves, not doable on already-rolled ones from magic, cursed or legendary items.

The tradeoff for both features should be a pretty steep money & resource cost however. Maybe even a particular (and extra rare) resource that’s only useful for this scenario. Something like a Crucible-only drop to give an extra incentive of playing that mode?

Oh crap, I gotta apologize as I completely misunderstood the initial request for what’s pretty much a rune override option.

On the rune slot swap idea, sure I don’t see why it shouldn’t be an option. Pretty nifty QoL for sure!

Regarding the override though, I think restricting said feature to endgame modes would encourage players to challenge themselves for the ultimate reward, a way to further change our build.

Would help alleviate “aimless” grinding with the hope of that one ultra rare item finally drops for you. I thought of that because I don’t see focused gear drops for gear other than uniques (bosses/minibosses).

And yeah, it’s a pretty substantial change, one I am now starting to think I would be fine without really. Respec is probably enough as it is and further than that would ultimately depend from the game’s full scope and included activities.