Experience concern and Gear lvl Requirements

Nearly 75 hours on the game so far. Loving it. Can’t wait for more.

Can we allow weapons to be held and swung regardless of level and simply nerf the weapon so it’s useless unless the player meets the stat requirements? This way I can actually see if this over that move-set is worth pursuing. I’ve picked up so many weapons and still don’t know 75 percent of their move-sets, opting to removing their runes for spare parts.

For Armor. Can we please have a hybrid system where the baseline is set at 11, 21, etc…for certain armors but that if you happen to have a high enough level in one stat you could wear those armors regardless. Example, light cloth armors with a high dex, leather with a mix of strength and dex, and heavy armors with high strength? That way you could play it as either or. By the time I get to level 21 I’m already interested in a new build. I imagine this may change by the time more content is added, but it is food for thought.

Finally, I cannot seem to gain more than level 17 in experience before making it to the crucible. I do all the challenges, side missions, and fully upgrade sacrament before making it there, so there is a lot of backtracking. The gear in the crucible is 21 (Hence my suggestions above). Is this a temporary problem while we wait for more content that will help with this?

Thanks in advance!

I’m with you regarding the weapon wielding idea to check out their moveset. Without the option to respec (yet), investing valuable statpoints to experiment with different weapons just to maybe find out that you totally dislike the moveset just is too much of a risk.

However I don’t quite like your idea about the armours. What about characters that invest in INT or FAITH? Those are completely left out.

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you get good xp from crucible, i leveled my character in there to 21 and got stronger to advance and level

Yes and also find XP pots frequently. The smallest char I’ve been plowing through the Crucible stages with was a level 11. A good set of gear makes a ton of a difference apparently.

So my issue is less with a grind, and more with a was it designed this way? I’m also discovering this might be a moot point, because I’m farming for Ichor in my three other realms and it seems a silly concern now.

Easy fix. Just assign an attribute for it. My point is I want to be able to just swing my weapon around and get a feel for it, or wear my armor and see how it looks. If they don’t want to use the attribute scale and just let me do that I’d be fine. Wouldn’t you agree?