Exalting gear doesn't work fully

A few item effects do not seem to be correctly increased by exalting. For example, I exalted a chestplate and the defense of the item increased, but my total defense did not. Also, exalting certain effects relating to item and carry weight does not seem to work

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Hey thanks for a report.

Can you pls send a pic of what chestplate you trie to exalt? Also pls send your logs located in C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked - it may be helpful

As oddly as it sounds, the effect of the exalted kicks in with a bit of a delay. Earlier I tried Exalting a pair of gloves and my defense stayed the same, after one more run in the Crucible or so, it went up the amount specified on the Exalting screen.