Echo Knight Infinite Stunlock the Player

00:19 - Infinite Stunlock on Player

  • Got this bug that made me stay stuck on the floor without being able to move or anything no matter what I pressed, luckily it only happened once but I found it very worrying because this happen on the worst boss ever since its a pain to get to fight him.

One thing that I think may have a correlation is that I play with a Dualshock 4 PS4 bluetooth controller and sometimes the battery runs out, not sure if the battery had run out at that time so that could have affected the player actions, who knows.

00:32 - Timing of the roll when knocked down sometimes takes too long to respond

  • I feel that the timing attack for certain enemies when the player is knocked down is a little too fast, causing enemies to land 2x hits on the player, I can’t say if you devs made it’s on purpose or if it needs adjusting so here are some suggestions to solve that:
  1. Allow the player to roll a little earlier (like sekiro as an example at 00:57)
  2. Adjust enemy timing attacks
  3. Make them realize that the player is on the floor and wait a little (?)
  4. Or just ignore me if It’s really on purpose and everything is fine

01:18 - Echo Knight’s Hitbox range when advancing with the horse kinda crazy

  • I don’t know if it was due to lack of frame (44FPS), rolling at the wrong time or if its a bug but I found this hitbox range to be a bit silly, although playing you can “feel” the exact moment for the roll but I don’t know, maybe adjust the hitbox range one little(?)