Echo Knight falls off the ledge AGAIN (Early Access Patch 2)

  • Fixed Echo Knight falling off the arena and blocking progress

I’m about to end this line’s whole career:

This was recorded in the latest patch (Early Access Patch 2)

This was actually rather funny than frustrating, lol, but yea. This bug is still possible, it just involves the player to cooperate this time, to have him fall off the ledge I suppose.

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Killboxes just should work for enemies too. I once also had an enemy fall of a ledge and getting stuck on a rock or something so i could not kill it. IN the main game no problem, but annoying when it happens in crucible.

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I think for now, they can just add a check, where the boss returns to it’s initial position when he falls into the deathbox. Because if they allow bosses to be killed by gravity, it would literally offer perhaps one of the biggest cheeses. They could just teleport him back up, but plays the landing animation that he uses for phase 2 transition (Excluding the plague aoe that comes along the animation)

I think a proper solution would be

  1. add killboxes, that kill enemies too. Because no matter if its in this boss arena or outside somewhere, when an enemy decides to fall off, it should be killed, and not get stuck.

  2. add an invisible wall around the arena for bosses, so people can’t cheese them

Adding a “teleport back” logic might just add additional potential for bugs. imagine he just steps on the ledge and suddenly teleports, or hp does or does not reset properly after he teleported, or (like we had in dark souls 3 for example) You can bait the teleport and he teleports outside the arena or or or. I’d be caution with adding additional logic, that might be removed later on when the main problem is fixed.

the problem of echo Knights falling down a cliff

Echo knight just fell off the arena while fighting and didnt die so i lost because of that.

I’ve had that happen once, I ALT-F4’d right away and rejoined and I started at the entry… with him back on the ground ready to fight.

/Not guaranteed, but a possible recovery if it happens again.
Game still can be weird, maybe I was lucky to get right back to the door when re-opening the game, maybe thats just what happens with ALT-F4 mid-fight.

Recently stumbled upon an unfortunate bug, where the Echo Knight, falls off the ledge, which resulted me in leaving the crucible.


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Echo knight falls off the edge (in phase 2) and apparently doesn’t die so the gate remains locked and player stuck in the arena, unable to do anything other than suicide or teleport out (via return rune).

hey there,

thx for the report, this has been reported a few times, see here:

EDIT: i merged the topics together, not sure if your bookmarks get updated once a bookmarked post is moved. so if you have bookmarked your post pls check and if needed update the bookmark :slight_smile:

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