Hello everyone
I Just Had a thought that with the addition of the Multiplayer Update that the Game would perfectly fit a covenant system or some Kind of factions that you can Work with.I think that some Type of covenants would be a great Addition to the Game.
My Main Inspirationen are the covenants of dark souls. In dark souls they were great because they gave additional content and gave a way to Play the Game a bit different. Also it can give your Charakter a bit more identity(Not just as a Feeling but gameplay wise with the addition of runes or armorsets that are unique to a covenant)
Another Point i have is that you can get really wild with them as a dev.
Maybe a covenant is Invasion focused and another is Like a Police Like in dark souls 1
Or maybe you have a faction that is Arena focused and one for the crucible.
Maybe some covenants dont Like one another and fight when they see each other while Others are friendly to one another.
I Just think that a system Like this is really flexible and can Work really well. It gives a lot of endgame content that isn’t just for the Sake of it but because We Like a certain faction.
Sorry for Bad English
Is it similar to the Horde and Alliance in World of Warcraft? They are the camps that can never chat and group, among these two big camps, each race that joins is naturally a camp, outside of this, players who like PVE and players who like PVP, the equipment tendency will be different, will also naturally form different camps, of course it doesn’t need to be as strong as WOW, but the camps are a good idea.
However, in the current single-player story, the protagonist we are operating seems to be the only descendant of his race, and story-wise this gives the protagonist a sense of loneliness, a heroic element, and a sense of destiny as a saviour. But then there’s no more racial camp as a layer, all of us players are the only surviving clan, and our networked co-op is more like all the Spider-Men in the multiverse coming together into one world.

In ds It’s more that the covenants Change how the Multiplayer functions a bit. There are things like invading and helping people Beat Bosses. As an example If you Help people Beat Bosses after a certain amount of people you can join the sunbros that get rewarded for helping people and you Look a bit different while helping them.
Another example would be the covenant that invades other people. Normaly you have orbs that If you use them you can invade people but the orb is gone. Of you Join the covenant and kill a certain amount of people you can get an orb thats Infinite and Other cool rewards.
Then there is a covenant that invades people that invaded Other people and every covenant works completely different and has unique rewards. Also in bloodborne some covenants are hostile and Attack each Other in sight.
I Just think it gives a cool endgame that is nuanced and can give cool rewards.
The Idea of the Camps also sounds really cool although i never played wow and i dont really know how that works when you actually Play the Game.