Cool down or nerf on rune abilities?

What I hate the most is that we have all seen these topics and have had these discussions before. Honestly, I cba at this point. I’ve seen over a dozen topics about Rune/Focus/ARPG vs Soulslike discussions. We see them pop up every week. Most of us are familiar with each others names and view points on the forum at this point.

Having these discussions after a big patch or update makes more sense to me. Like when we had this big discussion:

[Moon Studio] What is the intended experience?

Forum activity isn’t as high as it used to be, we are going in circles at this point.

I’d much rather see some discussions about new things to be added to the game. A different take on Runes or Focus for example. Not just the ‘‘they took my job’’, ahem, I mean ‘‘they nerfed my stuff’’ topics.

Maybe something about independent focus gain for runes, charges to runes and cooldowns idk…