Chests - this is very important

Chests are way too common and most of them got bad loot in them, chests should be somewhat special. Please make them 70% rarer, with better loot. At some point people will just ignore them (i already do). It’s just not fun to open them all the time, there is no dophamine kick.

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I like the number of chests, i think if you have the expectation that they are just for restocking supplies > getting epic loot then they are ok. You kind of solved it yourself, if you don’t like it then you can just skip them. If anything they should change 30% of the chests to look different and have better loot if they are hidden in a better secret location.

Yeah, i have to heavily disagree here.

As someone who has been farming T2 gear for the past 5 days I both agree and disagree.

I disagree with reducing chest rarity, don’t make my farming take more time :joy:

I agree with chests having better loot. I’d prefer more gear from higher tier chests.

Something like:

T1 chest: no whites.
T2 chest: 1 white, chance for blue.
T3 chest: 2 white, increased chance for blue, chance for purple.

Unsure if it already is like this though.