Cerium Crucible Feedback and Two Hand Weapon Feedback

Admittedly, I could have offered more solutions for the two-handed weapon, but honestly, I think it needs a more dedicated video for that. As for the runes, I did provide some suggestions, but I forgot to mention that tweaking the loot pool in the Crucible or offering more runes would help a lot. I don’t understand why “repair” is in the loot pool if we already have it as a basic rune at the vendor.

Two legendary in a single clear really devalues them heavily and honestly that slot should be used to give us more rune options.

I also didn’t touch on how much stamina cost on the two hand weapon drain really hurts it too. the drain is high. the attack speed is low and the damage relievely speaking is also low.

I really feel like i didn’t stress this enough but man getting off skills as a two hander is impossible. super long wind ups with very easy ability to be staggered from jsut short of any mob is insane. hyper armor needs to really be looked at and some form of hp sustain

%Liftseal on hit gottta go.It makes no sense for the weapon design, and disproportionately makes faster attack weapons significantly more sustainable, and nerfing healing doesn’t fix this. my dagger still attacks 40 times in a second even at 1% steal i steal have insane lifesteal.

as a slow swinging 2 hander who NEEDS The sustain from the healing who can only get 3 swings off a year. is SUPER PUNISHED with this nerf.

Two-Handed weapons are in a really bad spot right now.

The on-hit affixes tend to favor faster attacking weapons and rune abilities with a lot of hits. If I used Tucked Falcon (1h rapier) and use the running attack I almost gain like 80 focus in 2 seconds. With no focus gain buffs.

I agree with the fix being a band aid. I doesn’t solve the actual issue. It would be much better to think of different affix scaling or let on hit scale in a unique way for each and every weapon.

On Plate armor I made an entire topic about how it is way too overpowered. It requires 9 attributes for equip load being heavy 25 for normal and 17 if you use feather and are in normal. Cloth needs more incentive. Armors are too skewed towards plate.

yes armor is another big issue. the investment to get plate is too low and most importnaly like you said there’s no incenntive for chosing something like cloth. The system needs reworking

Yeah brother, runes utilization as a whole needs to get addressed (ability to stack, free the base rune slot after enchanting considering we only get 2 slots and 1 being wasted with a sitting base rune).
“Random cummon gear” can instantly turn into best in slot after enchanting so its fine as is imo.
I disagree about multiple uniques per run devalues them…keep in mind 2 exact same uniques can have vastly different roll values on them, which requiers you to farm them if you want a better one.
Runes in general, outside of staff weapon class need hyperarmor.

The nerf to “X% health on damage dealt” is justified imo, i think they did it with future in mind, considering the fact that we have a low lvl cap right now and cant scale the dmg output properly…once the scaling becomes available itl be just right. Keep in mind a dualdagger attacks faster but it also deals 1/4 of the dmg a greatsword does so 1% is more then enough. The problem is with poise/poise dmg interplay on heavy weapons and their runes…and in some cases even the base weapon dmg like in the case of curved greatswords for example.

I played with great sword all the way and I think it was pretty strong and was fun to use. I can one shot any regular enemy with a charged attack. I do agree on the skills part, wind up on most of them is too slow for the damage they deal.

That’s not true, though. A proper dagger build can easily deal significantly more damage than a greatsword build. I can link you a few videos detailing this. This is why the percentage HP nerf is extremely problematic. Even if daggers did less damage, which they don’t, their sustain is significantly less impacted since it’s based on a percentage. Some runes on daggers can allow for up to 20 attacks in a second.

Not to mention significantly outstager two handded weapons

On the other hand, a 1% increase on a slow-swinging greatsword is negligible, meaning it disproportionately hurts in two handed ways more

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Those dagger runes also seem to have increased poise whereas most 2h weapon runes don’t.

The current systems are favoring safer/faster builds by a lot. Using a 2h weapon only really feels good against trash mobs.

Yes, this is also a very good point that I think a lot of two-handed weapon players are not realizing. Every build absolutely trashes trash mobs. I don’t look at killing trash mobs as a measure of how good a weapon is. When two-handed weapons are compared against elites and bosses, they are significantly worse.

You said it youself “Some runes on daggers can allow for up to 20 attacks in a second”…the problem is within rune/poise/poise dmg interplay within and outside of weapon classes not with weapons themselfs with few exceptions

Imo heavy weapons feel balanced against bosses too. I think other weapons might be too strong. They make it too easy compared to heavies. I think light weapons need a nerf instead of buffing heavies(maybe some buff but not too much). I would not like to shred bosses like you can do with light weapons right now.

I mean, when referring to this specific issue, yes, but this statement isn’t suggesting that everything else is balanced. I’m not sure why you drew that conclusion.

The base attack speed and damage, compared to two-handed weapons, are not comparable. This is just from a base DPS standpoint. Add modifiers to that insane attack speed, and once again, it gets much higher.

Just so we’re clear, mentioning that one part of a weapon is over-tuned does not mean I assume the rest of the item isn’t; it just means I haven’t talked about that yet. I hope that’s clear.

This is a classic issue with game developers where they continually nerf. I don’t think the problem is necessarily that the weapons are too strong; rather, it’s that they are comparatively too strong. Also, while I haven’t mentioned this yet (and I may add it at the top of this thread), this discussion is based on the game in its current state. It could very well scale later to a point where daggers and these other weapons become less effective, and two-handers would fall behind even more. What I’m getting at is, while we are absolutely shredding everything with specific weapons, builds, and runes, I don’t know if it’s safe to just say ‘nerf it’ as we don’t know what’s to come. Bringing thing more in line is much safer than nerfing. We already see from the last patch how well nerfing healing on hit has worked.

My point is if poise/poisedmg interplay on runes get balanced it wont matter how much attackframes daggers have cuz dmg per hit is vastly lower then that of a greatsword you wont be able to tank incoming dmg and will get stunned out of your combos, youll be forced to break up the cycle or dodge to reset/evade…runes, lack of stamina consumption on them and poise/hyperarmor, and focus gain shenanigans are pretty much messing everything up. As far as i can tell, raw base numbers on weapons are decent with a few exceptions like cgs and rapiers.

I played with heavy weapons a lot and found the challenge when playing with them appropriate when fighting anything. It was not too easy nor too difficult.

You are saying heavies are way weaker compared to light weapons. If so bringing heavies in line with light weapons would make the game way easier for heavy weapons. I do not want that to happen I like challenge and I feel like it is in a good place with heavy weapons rn.

If what you are saying is true(heavies are way worse than lights) I think nerfing light weapons is the way to go because like I said the challenge with heavy weapons is actually good right now(we are excluding OP builds for any weapon type ofc). Nerfing is not a bad thing. It is about balance across weapon types and challenge, not nerfing or buffing.

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With my previous statement, what I’m saying is that you claim it’s too easy, but when the next update comes and everything becomes much stronger, wouldn’t it be a mistake to have nerfed things? I’ve never played a game where Act 1 was hard. We are still technically in the Act 1 phase, so again, the problem with the nerf mentality is that you make everything weak just because, in the current state of the game, which is very much going to get new content soon, you just hurt all builds

i understand what you’re saying i just don’t get where you get the idea that dagger are under perfoming in dps vs a slow swinging greatsword.

From everyhting i’ve seen thus far its not even close

I think heavy weapons are not weak. What you are saying is they are weak in comparison to light weapons. I agree and suggest that light weapons come in line with heavy weapons. Currently the game is not too difficult or anything with heavy weapons so it makes sense to me.

Nerfing isn’t a mentality. It is just a thing you do when balancing. You nerf some you buff some. Until you get the balance you want.

I don’t suggest you make everything weak. I suggest we don’t make heavies “OP” like light weapons (because you said they are way stronger than heavies and in my experience heavies are not weak or anything they provide a good challenge so making them way stronger would make it less challenging).

Brother…ash soothed daggers vs freiheit full upgrade no gems or enchants:
Daggers 19 dmg x2 = 38 dmg per trigger
Freiheit 51 dmg (and in this particular case also x2…all freiheit triggers are 2 hit instances) which makes it 102
Now , again im talking very basic raw stats…
To me it looks like the problem is not within raw weapon balance but within the rune/poise/focus interplay balance…thats all.
Or maybe im just dumb dunno.

Freiheit is 1 + 1 + 2, not 2 + 2 + 2
Also Freiheit has one of the best movesets among two-handers regarding it’s speed and recovery time

Let’s talk Corpse Smeared Blade for example

Well it looks like you’re standing there whacking the buttons with your eyes closed while enemies smack you repeatedly in the face and then making a video about how you don’t like being inconvenienced by hitstun when things smack you in the face. I’m not sure if this is the right time for you to be starting a detailed discussion about weapon balance.