Cerim Crucible bug abusing

To preserve and to prevent the real game mode, i want to report that there is a bug/mistake: if you complete the 10 “floors” of the Cerim Crucible and you die against the final boss you are able to do “Alt+F4” and restart the game again at the final boss. This is a something that a real rougelike could not allow. I dont want this type of “abuse” in this splendid game so remove this thing. If you are strong enough to complete all the crim crucible at once you deserve its rewards. Keep the game clean.

I think this was an ARPG… then was a Souls… and then a roguelike?.. I see.

Since devs said cheaters will be welcome in PVP and in the game in general, I don’t care about exploits. His bad decisions force the players to use it and abuse it.

Think about it.,

Why don’t your word it a little more friendly and submit it as thread in the bug reports instead? The game entered Early Access just a little over 2 weeks ago, obviously we’ll encounter plenty of bugs, changes and maybe direction changes over the course of development.

i dont care what this game is… the last mode is very similar to a roguelike. And im just here to report not to discuss. Cheaters are also a problem so we have to report in this forum to be heard.

so because it went out 2 weeks ago i dont have to report a bug… sorry. Anyway you are right, next time i will report on the bug section. Have a nice day

I’m agree with you. The main thing I wanted to point is: cheaters are welcome by the devs. So… What can we do about it?

When did they said cheaters are welcomed… The lead dev said if they detect cheaters they will be moved to the same servers as other cheaters.

You’re right. But in my opinion, cheaters has to be banned. Other thing will be unrespecful with the legal players.

exploiting a bug is not cheating but using a cheatengine to modify game values is, what the developers told they will detect and move cheaters to a different server (when the multiplayer is added). its similar in cs go and dark souls.