Can we use the mouse to determine the character direction please?

Ok so yeh m/k user here, played for about two hours and I like most of the game, atmosphere and everything is great.
But one thing that I find really frustrating is having to turn with just WSDA keys.
Really not the most intuitive way to change the direction of your character imo.
Is it possible to have a combination of WSDA and mouse control scheme that is more like in for instance Vrising? Different game but also isometric(and fully 3d, but that is not what I mean), basically your mouse decides your characters direction. Moving and fighting feels just way more natural and pleasant that way to me. Not having to “fight” the controls most of the time as well as the enemies in a soulslike game is really a must imho.

Anyway hope this made sense


There is the option of walking towards your mouse cursor by holding ALT. That might not solve all of your issues, but it helps with more precise movement.

Somewhat related to this, I just had a very odd experience where my character was locked onto an enemy in battle that was off screen. It had not yet aggroed me and there was one that was actively attacking me. But as I tried to attack that one, my character kept trying to attack in the direction of the off-screen one that he was locked onto. I couldn’t figure out how to change it so that I could attack the enemy that was the bigger threat and ultimately died.

@Truehawk Check the Control settings in the General Settings. There is a Use Alternative Scheme tick box. Try that, it saved me from rage quitting after I found WASD totally unplayable. Loving the game since.


@Bealdwine That is also not the solution. You need to hold right click all the time… and then of you want to sprint, you need to hold 2 buttons down all the time… this is not feasible, nor fun, nor easy on your wrists.

They just need to make the direction controlled by the mouse like is in any top-down shooter out there - It will basically be if the ALT key is pressed by default, so we don’t have to press it.

And the mouse cursor need to be hidden after that, and only show in menus.

And again I advocate, please devs play your game with mouse and keyboard like once a week for 30min, and all of this issues would be resolved internally very quickly.


I understand what you’re saying and that you want the Devs to consider the k&m setup, as do I. However, for the OP this is currently the only solution and does at least make the game much more enjoyable, if not perfect (but then it is EA so, as you have done, we need to let the Devs know what does, and does not, work).

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Alright I will check that thanks!

I saw and tried that, but couldn’t find a way to dodge towards the cursor when standing still. I had to move to dodge, which was way too slow to react to attacks.

I sort of solved this by making a macro that toggles alt on and off.
Still not ideal because your character never stops moving in the mouse direction, when you have alt pressed.
But at least it’s easier to move around this way. I’d turned it off in combat though.