Bug: Cold proficiency

Didn’t see anything in the search surprisingly so I’ll mention Cold Proficiency. I tossed it in a junk helm to see if it was only a tooltip error but it seems the infusion has no effect at all after testing.

Not 100% on how to test this (I’ll mention) because I’m not convinced on how the cold to freeze interaction works (flat damage vs ho%) but I can confirm that you don’t do additional damage (so I’ll assume proficiency isn’t penetration) and it has no observable impact on causing freeze.

I tested this after noticing a “critical mass” point where the utility from lightning arrow and cold arrow would proc on the second hit of an uncharged arrow. Example, 1 lightning arrow grants buff, the next does bonus damage. Similarly one ice arrow chills, the second freezes. Both examples against cloth armor type mobs.

I tried removing rings (damage) but could not get a freeze in two arrow switch less damage or a freeze with one arrow and all the damage I can slot (damage surge, and coating)

So I assume it’s not working as intended.

It’s possible the impact is more apparent with spells which have higher base damage than the arrows. Can anyone expand on this or experienced the same thing?