This game has so much going for it, but the superglue holding it all together is the story. And ****, that’s some strong glue. The narrative setup is great. And … unfortunately, this is where Early-access ends. MoonStudios has me hooked, and yet, also kind of scared that this story might not get the time it needs to unfold. For real, I believe that much more is planned. But there are some design decisions and that repeated focus on grindy game mechanics that suggest this EPIC might just be a couple of regions away from ending. With some final confrontation (from behind that round door) tagged on as sort of a climax.
Didn’t find many other posts asking for more story. Narrative must be a priority. And that it deserves to be long!
This game so much more than artistic cutscenes, a great (yet small) cast of characters, and GoT-esk political drama about to clash on some island. It’s that sense of foreboding when walking up Sacrament to find the Watcher. A guard pointing me the way. A couple of religious zealots sending me down some forgotten Nameless Path. It’s that promise of endless wonder through beautiful world gone horribly wrong. And that slimy prisoner promising me retaliation. It’s all there. And I never want it to end. I’m hopeless romantic, ready to embark on a 100+h journey. Let the 100 hours be of story, not of grind. Or … just give me more boss fights. Will also do