Wish for pause feature for single player

Wish for pause feature for single player

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I agree, “At least in single player campaign mode” there should be a pause feature for this game where we CAN interact with inventory. How are we going to use blade oil mid combat? Or other such things after being attacked if we cannot pause, set the action like apply blade oil, then un-pause and then the character performs the actions? This would still require that your character has the space and time to do this action before being interrupted and hit by the mob. Many games do this.

This is really just a quality of life improvement.
The alternative is to always lurk around and know where your enemies are first, apply blade oil, engage in the fight. Or, die in the combat, rez, then knowing where the fight is, prep your blades, drink your pots then engage. However, I don’t feel like we should have to pre-pot fights. Give us that quality of life to set the action, un-pause and have the character perform the action. Stam buff, Focus Regains, etc.

I’m basically never going to use instant regain stamina stuff do to this. I cant get to it fast enough before the enemy hits or kills me.