This weapon with a decent roll is a bit broken. It might not do the most raw damage but it stun locks everything, even Echo Knight. I definitely didn’t break any time records with this one, but nothing really got a chance to move once I started popping abilities.
Attack Style
Of the rapiers I’ve tried, this one is a little on the slower side. It goes for more poise breaking jabs rather than rapid flurries. I didn’t find anything wrong with that, but it’s more of a one on one weapon rather than a group fighter.
Stat Specs
16 faith, 16 int. Only takes about 4 levels to meet the requirements, so this is much, much easier to achieve than the spear I reviewed before this. Not that you’ll get a legendary drop 4 levels into the game, but hey on a new character it’ll be an easy goal. I imagine the damage becomes more meaningful as you pump these two up, but I cleared the content of the game before I got too far with this one.
The Sinew has 2 really solid runes, and 2 useless ones. To get the useless out of the way, I just don’t see a time where you’d want to sacrifice health for focus, I know the weapon has lifesteal and can just get it back. But in that same time you could just stab the enemy a few times, get the same focus, and not be down on hp. Also Pulse of Health is a trash heal, heal aura does like 6x the healing for 2 focus points.
Those aside, Piercing Spin and Piercing Flurry are absolutely broken. Piercing spin breaks shields and stunlocks anyone it hits, including Echo Knight. You can pretty much just spam this whenever you want and it’ll usually get the job done. Piercing flurry is a good pair for the health steal, as it hits like 10 times (I could be off on that number, but it’s a lot) and with the 4% heal I rolled that’s almost half my hp per attack. Throw on some focus gain on damage and this ability is free on cast. The only thing I didn’t like about Piercing Flurry is that other rapiers just have this attack as part of their normal attack kit. Sinew doesn’t and instead makes it an ability. Which is fine, because the weapon is broken as is, but it felt like 2 of the runes are useless, one is just a basic attack in a rune slot, and then the last is the real mvp.
Gems and Enchantment
Like I said, just slot in focus gain on damage and you’re set. Ice might be interesting due to the rapid attacks, and if you have a torch or ring helping provide the focus instead, you could try that out I suppose.
Final Thoughts
It feels weird giving this weapon an S tier when 2 of it’s runes are trash, the damage isn’t really that high, and it turned one of the best attacks in the rapier’s kit into a rune…but this weapon has natural lifesteal and stunlocks every single enemy or boss in the game, and is easy to meet the stat requirements. So as long as you don’t just completely screw up this is easy mode in a weapon. So, it’s an S until they change either how CC works or focus gain on damage.
Additional Comment: Some people wanted to know about offhands to use with one handed weapons. I’m going to review offhands as their own thing at some point, but the devs are reworking some of them and I don’t want to do a review and then need to re-review in a few weeks. So stay tuned on that.
As for the last couple of builds I’ve been using a torch with 8 focus gain on damage done…because yeah that shit’s broken.