Visual bug after Crucible hotfix 3 (WIP)

Hi, here’s a report on the visual bugs I found :

On the way to the halucinogenic flower

To the east of Sacrament

Same thing a little further down

In Caroline’s inn on level 2

In the Orban Glades, just before the waterfall

I don’t know if this is normal but, after taking the hallucinogenic plant, there’s a bit of green stone like that, it’s often to announce a passage, except that there’s nothing there.

Still in the cave,
I know there are already reports on water texture, but I wanted to point out the shape of the erosion zone. There are also two black shapes further down

In the Black Trench, water issue at this location

There’s also a display bug on the map, the fog won’t come off, and when you zoom in there’s a black band at the bottom

Same problem in this part of the map, the reflection in the water and the fog

A shrub crosses the bridge beside the two fishermen

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Thank you for this deep report. We will look to fix these asap!