Turning off hints

Turning off hints in the Gameplay settings disables the ability to read signs. I can’t access house buying if this setting is off.

Are you close enough to read it?
-I turned Hints off and was able to walk up to the sign and access the Manage Menu.

Turning hints off disables the ability for me to access that Manage Menu.

Ok, so I’ve figured out the solution, however I feel as if this UI text should be visible regardless is hints is active or not.

If you don’t have hints activated, you can’t see the cost of the house. If you don’t have the money to buy said house, you can’t access the house. Either way, it’s confusing as it doesn’t show a price, nor the message that you don’t have enough to purchase said house. It just…looks as if it isn’t enabled.

Even if hints are off, I feel as if interactions like this should not be hidden. It’s hard for the user to distinguish without hints, what the price of a house is, and if the sign is even interactable if you do not have the money required.

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I agree. Knowing what CAN be interacted with in this game is tough so turning off hints and progressing through the game could lead even a Veteran to miss something new.

I for one don’t need to read HOW to interact, I just need to know I can with a visual or audio cue of some sort like making objects glow when near (like ingredients in the world) or giving them a personal Hint the first time you see it so even if off, you don’t miss key elements not within the tutorial like Journal entries on the ground.

The other gripe I have is that I want to see what loot is dropped but with hints off it doesn’t show. I don’t consider showing the contents of loot as a “hint”.