Time after eating is so annoying!

No combat eating/drinking

That is a bit too harsh i feel. Nearly every game out there has some sort of healing. Most don’t have HP regen during combat, but u should be able to heal, when u made a mistake. overlaps a bit with point 8. i prefer situational healing on demand (with or without cooldown) over constant healing. imo constant healing or how u call it an “healing aura” makes the player lazy. and it is boring to stand around and wait until you are healed.

Give us a garden system so we can cultivate common ingredients, but let us forage for rarer ones

Not sure how i feel about this. I honestly do not want the 10000th RPG that adds some sort of survival game type mechanic like growing food. I really do not want to build and maintain a garden. But maybe just add garden with respawn-able veggies to sacrament.

Randomize the location of ingredients in the wild so we don’t have to make the same trip to that silver ore 6000 times!

oh lord, please no. what u are suggesting here is not removing the “boringness” of the silver run, but add an additional chore of not only farming the thing, but also first searching for it. for me that has no positive aspect at all. yes its not always the same route, but u might just spent triple the time to check all possible spots. nobody likes walking, and triple the walking is even worse!

Increase the duration on food buffs AND remove cooldowns

buff duration balancing adjustment will surely follow as the development progresses. Same goes for passive buffs on equipment etc.
And the cooldown thing, well as i said. If i had a vote i would rather vote for keeping the cooldown, but changing how it works. Make it a bit shorter and/or apply it only to the used item, not the whole item category…

…or as a new-ish idea (already mentioned here or somewhere in this forum): Potions, or rather the portion crafting and merchant are at this point completely useless. Drop rate of potions is too high, same goes for crafting cost, and they are more or less not necessary at all (maybe focus potion for mages but thats pretty much it).

So why not go the well established way of offering some sort of healing potion that give u a healing buff, like an healing aura or even reduced cooldown for food items or or or.

So you would for example buy or craft a potion, that removes cooldown on healing items and lasts for 10 minutes. problem solved. when the boss is not dead by then, well then jugging 20 more soups would’t have helped either :smiley: