Suggestions for More Skill Based Expression in Combat

Wicked’s capacity for variation in combat through different weapon type, runes and charged attacks already provides a great time.

In the spirit of expanding on the devs’ vision of having animation inform the player experience in skill driven combat system, I thought I’d suggest a few ways to take it to the next level.

  1. Timed attack input on enemy-hit

This is something that games like Assassin’s Creed 1 and Dragons Dogma 2 with the warrior class do. If you time your next attack the moment your first swing lands, it allows you to increase the speed of your combo, and in AC1’s case break enemy poise quicker.

2. Timed release of charge attack

Similar in theory to the previous suggestion. Wicked already has a cool UI to show when a heavy attack is charging. If players were to release the input the moment this UI element designates a full charge, perhaps it could reward the player with addition damage or poise damage.

  1. Delayed Input Combos

One of my favorite means of player expression in some combat games like DMC and Dragons Dogma, these combos are triggered by attacking, waiting a moment, and then attacking again to do an alternate combination with a different function. With Wicked’s animation driven combat, I figured this could be a fun way to provide additional ways to play with enemy attack patterns and punish accordingly.

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Totally agree. I wish the great sword was faster

I mean I’m happy with some weapon types being slower and more hard-hitting. Super impressed with how many types there are with their own movesets.

Just think that some of these additional mechanics could give skillful players the ability to offset some of the limitations of some types, and maximize efficiency in others. Plus, it’s just fun to time things and get rewarded for it haha