Something is Broken, Crucible boss fight!

i think there is a bug, after the last update today is my first day playing bcs of my exams, and i did the cruicable and the boss fight it was so easy idk how but they died so fast and and the phase 2 boss died instantly after 2 min of fight, i did damage him a bit and he died instantly after some time, did something got buffed or some armor or enchantment or rune was broken? or a bug, it never happed to me before.

i was using 2 thistle ring and 1 plague ring.
befor that i only had 1 thistle ring

It might be the thistle ring:

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No idea about bosses suddenly (and instantly) dying on their own, probably a bug.

OTOH, there is lots of ludicrously unbalanced things in the game. Healing/focus regain by multiple means being near the top (probably).

I honestly wouldn’t mind “sekiro” mode added at some point in the future. No bullshit runes, magic, ranged, effects, builds.

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This is my up to date kill time of EK with the rings.
The post from 5th of may is out of date because they fixed the healing from the rings.

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That was a nice and chill fight :joy:

Yea, they have a lot to fix.

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