So, what are the different properties of elemental attacks?

Do fire, ice, electric and plague all have special effects on enemies? Or do they just do damage and maybe some enemies are weak to certain ones?

As far as i know (having used them all):

Fire and plague: Chance to deal damage per second over x seconds.
Electric: chance to stun.
Ice: chance to freeze.

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It’s funny, when I’m lit on fire there will be a bar that slowly goes down but I don’t get any damage per second but with plague I do.

So when somebody is frozen, do they take more damage on the next hit?

What does the stun look like? My highest level character has been using a lightning weapon for most of the playthrough, and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an enemy get stunned. But maybe I just don’t know what to look for?

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I’d also like to know what the elements do. Like the dot part is obvious but is there a difference between fire dot and plague dot? Like if I use Elden Ring as an example, both Bleed and Frostbite do health damage, but bleed leans higher on hp where as frost impacts stamina as well… I have no idea if there is a difference between plague and fire besides enemy resist one and not the other.

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It’s more like an “interrupt”, like they stop for a second or 2.

You can see it in the start of this video:

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Electric is damage-bonus

I use an electric Talwar, an ice Governer’s dagger and fire arrows (which always lit enemies on fire doing damage per seconds).

Maybe it depends on the weapon type.

So when somebody is frozen, do they take more damage on the next hit?

Apparently it’s the same damage as you can see here (12;42):

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Isn’t that just a poise break?

Hard to tell for sure since the video doesn’t have the enemy poise bars enabled, but that feels like enough rapid hits to have been a poise break.

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Probably you have high fire resistance, compared to plague.

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Good point, I’ll check that out!

Though unfortunately that was a while ago so my stats are probably much different now.

Actually this might be poise break but the time i “achieved” it, it was against one of the “giant knight” i struck him (multiple times) and it got “electrified” for 2 seconds (so movement stopped + electric fx) when i was dodging away.

But it happened only once in 52 hours, so… don’t know bro, if nobody else experienced it then it might be a bug.

I couldn’t find any other video showing it.

Not sure, honestly.

I do know when enemies with electric damage hit me, an electricity status bar does start to fill. I’ve never had an enemy actually fill it, though (because they would have killed me long before it filled, lol).

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i kind of want to unearth this older thread with things i wondered about.

so as you guys already said, fire deals DoT, ice freezes and enemy, making them prone to attacks. electric shocks them for a bit, working like a stun, and plague should do DoT as well, but i could not manage to pull it off.

so my main question is, are there enemy weaknesses and resistances implemented?

like for example, do the fire bomb mages get burned as well, and if yes, is it shorter than for other enemies, which would be a sign for resistance?

and is there some stone-paper-scissor like system? like are for example enemies that deal plague dmg to the player less susceptible to plague bot more vulnerable to for example fire, making them easier to enflame?

or do shielded enemies, which take less raw dmg until poise break take more dmg from lightning or ice?

To my knowledge elements currently work with a progress bar.

How Elemental Effects are applied

When you apply an element, the bar gets filled.
If you don’t apply an element for a time, the bar depletes over time.
When the bar is full, the corresponding elemental effect is applied, while the bar ticks down.
While the effect is applied, the bar can not be filled again.

Elemental Effects

Tested on myself, most enemies die, before status can be applied

Plague: Plague Dot
Fire: Fire Dot
Ice: Freeze
Electric: Stagger

My Take

Currently, i don’t like elemental effects at all. They look cool, but are unintuitive to apply and either too weak (fire/plague) or too strong (Ice/Electric).

Status effects could be much more intuitive and much more interesting! I’ve mentioned this more than once before:

Edit: Just realized this thread is two months old… :upside_down_face:

Yeah, resistances are also not very well communicated.

Also we don’t know if status buildup is affected by the damage dealt through the attack. Maybe i will test a bit.


Status buildup is unaffected by the exact damage received. But it seems to be scaling with the base damage dealt.

The same attack of the same enemy type of different levels seem to do the same amount of status, even if the damage they deal is not the same.

But: Different base amounts of damage result in different amounts of status being applied. E.g. the damage of the hit of the fire bomb builds up more status than the fire effect on the ground.

Hope this helps!