Sheath/ Holster Weapons

Beautiful game! I was wondering if in the future it would be possible to sheath/ holster our weapons once in Sacrament to add to immersion? I always feel awkward in games moving around safe zones/ towns with our weapons drawn like we’re ready to ice an NPC that looks at us funny lol. I know this could be considered low priority, but just asking. Thanks.


I unequipped my weapon when I got to Sacrament the first time :smile: So I second this!

second this, I know if every weapon type needs a sheath animation that’s a lot of work but this could be worth it for immersion

agreed especially Katana. they need to do more animation on that.
katanas true beauty comeout when they quick draw.
long swords too dropping sheath animation look cool as hell
for great swords it will be more realistic if they drag them on the floor