Rocking Camera is Overstimulating Sometimes

Im about 4.5 hours in now and Im really enjoying the experience, I would absolutely love for the camera to stay in one place through diaologues though, the rocking motion is making my head wobble along with it!

Another thing I kind of found myself missing was a little more music when just exporing around outside of combat and maybe a sound que for the parry would be nice I seem to be really struggling to get the timing right.

Lovely art and really fun combat system for me to get pretty invested in and a great day one early access release as far as im concerned! Cant wait for multiplayer :slight_smile:


I don’t know if this helps at all, but I found reducing the camera shake setting to 50% instead of 100% to be very helpful for my experience and eye strain.

Glad you’re having a good time, I am too :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much for this! Ill check it out now :slight_smile:

I wanted to add my feedback to this as well. I am getting motion sickness when talking to NPCs with the camera swinging all over the place. I would appreciate it if this was a toggle in the options to disable it.

In fact I just tried setting camera shake to Off, and the camera is still swinging around when speaking to NPCs.