Publish the game on GoG platform please (Good old games)


I was wondering if there was any plans to add this game to the Good old Game (GoG) platform. There is already a growing list in the GoG community voting for it: No rest for the wicked -

Best Regards,


Why don’t just buy on steam? (It is really a question, I’m not kidding or something)

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Indeed, I could have explained the reasoning behind my request a little better. I am a firm believer in owning what I pay for. Steam hasn’t failed us yet, but given the direction our world is heading, it may be only a matter of time. When you purchase a game on Steam, you are essentially purchasing a license that can be revoked at any time. GOG stands by their DRM-free policy to ensure game preservation and the ownership of their customers’ purchases. I just want to see GOG succeed in their mission while navigating the flooded market of pay-to-rent businesses. I strongly feel that all single-player games should be DRM-free, allowing us to play them offline if we wish.


Im fully agree. I’m a big fan of the drm free concept. Have this game in gog will be a reason to instant buy for me too.


I would love to see this game on GoG DRM free!

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Seconding to bring this idea traction GOG is goated

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100% on board with this!

Would double down, when it gets there. :wink:

And thanks for sharing the link! @Singatias :pray:

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Most of my games are on GOG, i agree with you about the drm, but i dont like gog galaxy, steam is much better for online play. I tend to buy any game that has some online aspect, even if minor, on steam, rest is on GOG, since i prefer single player i have 5 times more games on GOG. Nrftw will have online coop and pvp.

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Are you my clone? You just described me right now.