Problems with Chinese Sinicization , 【Attached screenshot of the problem】

There are these problems
①When picking up an item, the prompt on the left side of the screen does not have an item name.
②The text displayed on the attribute value details interface is in English instead of Chinese.
③ Before talking to some NPCs, the prompts at the top of the screen are in Korean instead of Chinese.
④The interface for inlaying gems in alchemy is displayed in English, and the preview effect text of some gem inlays is missing.
⑤The jewelry attribute resistance text display is missing.
Among them, ①②④⑤ extremely seriously affects the gaming experience of Chinese players and needs to be repaired immediately.

I think this is related to your post:

French prompts but the game is already set in English language - Wicked Bug Reporting - No Rest For The Wicked