Optimization, performance, look and feel

Hi! just here to drop my two cents on the game so far.

Firstly im using a steam deck oled. I know a lot of topics already outline the performance on the deck, but yeah just want to stress one more time that it is pretty bad tbh. I played enough where i just got used to the input lag and choppyness but then i see any video of the game online and think to myself… huh looks like a whole different pace and experience.

Im running it at capped 40fps, with the target fps at 40 as well, on performance mode, half shader. everything i can to make it run smoothly at the cost of looks, and it still feels incredibly input laggy and stuttery in every area with no exception

I know optimization is a final touches thing, but i would love to see this area approached as soon as possible because i dont think this is that demanding of a game that it would be impossible to run on the deck.

That aside i just wanted to touch on one thing, im all for wild art styles and i love the terrain and landscaping in this game, truly. The character porportions altough critized by many actually appeal to me, it has a “sinix” esque loook to it. the only part i dont like is the lack of diference between the male and female body types… they look like the same model scaled to different ratios and with different faces, i dont get this decision especially since there are female NPCs in the game that use more traditional models.
I get this is a personal thing, but it makes me feel like im playing a female orc in an MMO.

Anyway i am really hoping for the best of outcomes for this game!! the genre has been a bit starved for innovation :slight_smile: