My god the crucible is like the most mind numbing repetative sort of gameplay I have ever experienced

No seriously who in their right mind designs this and thinks it’s fun to do this over and over and over again?
Ugh is this what a lobotomy feels like?
Your game just dropped of a giant cliff big time for me if this is what the end game looks like.
Back to Vrising for now I guess.

ok, bye)

(20 characters)


it’s mostly there for gearing and leveling up and preparing you for the crucible boss, which is another difficulty on top. tbh i kinda liked it the way they did. more rooms and enemy variety would’ve helped tho

It feels like an assembly line to me.
I need goals!

Save the princess
Find the item
Discover the tome
Kill the baddie
Sabotage the gate
Steal the magic gem
Find the path
Destroy the warcamp
rebuild the allaince
head into the unknown and seek allies etc etc

This is cheap content, made frustration inducing like nothing else to boot.
What joy to melee some tough knight while being spammed by fireballs from casters up high.
And even more ecstatic joy when you finally said caster on a tiny ridge to be bumped off because he an edge camper. And fall to your death since gravity is actually the most dangerous enemy in this game not the mobs.

Now repeat this gameplay ad nauseam until you maybe find some gear that is an upgrade.
I know a million more entertaining ways to spend my time tbh. Like removing my right testicle with a blunt butter knife for instance.

But hey good for you you liked it, I clearly didn’t.


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Thomas Mahler already said on twitter that they intend the crucible to be like hades within wicked. We can obviously expect substantial expansions to variety, mechanics and replay ability as we move towards 1.0

i actually found the shield knight the hardest, he was so annoying with 1h melee pick that i switched to a 2 hander.

I think at this stage the game is more about finding your way through, you know the kind of thing you actually want, according to your extensive list? :wink:

I also hope that there will be a similar content that appeals more to you. crafting maybe? Being able to craft your own stuff from all the loot would be incredible, being able to eventually craft endgame gear you HAVE to craft, would be great as well… maybe that’s in for us :star_struck:

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Give it some time. The Cerim Crucible is meant to be expanded upon, this is just its beginning.

I agree. Those nights with shields are nightmare for a light build. You have to backstab them, it’s the only way. There are few maps where movement is very limited due to narrow ledges, so it’s extremely hard to get behind them.

I had a run where I was just shoving them off cliffs with my level 10 character because they couldn’t damage them. After like the 5th time I did it I went with him. Laughed because I kinda deserved it.

maybe you could just use a big weapon for them and then switch back again, that’s what i initially did

I hope you’re right this game, mainly because of the art design, feels too special for me to have such simplistic end game like the crucible.