[Moon Studio] What is the intended experience?

I find this comment to be slightly silly. it’s almost like you’re telling players that they can’t have the opinions they hold because of the way that things are currently implemented and that its just a result of the game being in EA. That is exactly why players are currently expressing these concerns, so the elements that are broken are then fine-tuned. Now is the time to be critical towards the game so that the developers can polish everything.

If you believe people’s opinions are incorrect then you should explicitly state that you are confident in the dev’s ability to fix these issues and so they should momentarily wait before expressing proper concern.


I updated the original post to redirect to one of my reply in this post.

I think it has a clearer introduction to open discussions here.

If this is EA, with at least 2 massive updates to come before 1.0, and many more experiences to be added before the game is publically released, i sort of feel like these things will (mostly) all be ironed out.

I understand what you mean, but considering that the pipeline is that the game will even get updates 5-10 years after 1.0 release then nothing is certain.

Just chipping in with my opinion:

Crazy spam builds belong in the game - but should require a very significant part of your build to be dedicated to it.

That way, balanced builds have more room for utility so they’ll have access to some strengths that spammy builds simply don’t have room for in their build.

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I just hope you are right. :crossed_fingers:

First, thank you for your contributions.

I invite you both(@PlacidSaint, @death_the_kid) to read this reply that I made later on in this post(It is now the main entry point to this post).

Oh!!! Missed this one @TeoH but you nailed it. :wink:

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Despite my response I didn’t want to crucify you because I do think you’re right and I also would prefer to have it be a “visceral” ARPG akin to soulslike pacing than a Diablo ARPG

I just think the devs are
A) aware of broken things like lifesteal & focus gain, it’s impossible not to thanks to the videos on it and the devs publicly laughing about it

B) It’s hard to judge what the average experience actually is but I like to think I was the average. I beat the main game in about 25 hours because I played like an old-school RPG player where I leveled up the town and did moderate grinding before I proceeded to beat the endgame. With this it was actually still kind of challenging, I did die to mobs, died to Riven 2x then beat em.

C) We are objectively able to overgear for Crucible because they are at best Level 21 Elites which means EK is around the same bar but the max player level is 30. We are nearly 50% numerically tierwise stronger than them.

I think the devs are seeing what is the upper floor of what people can break in the best-for-player scenarios so they can do the math without totally making it awful for casuals.

What was the initial question ? :thinking:

I have come to the conclusion I play these game wrong. I don’t really look for META builds and grind to get the loot levels or affixes that I need to do the end game (to be frank I don’t really understand the end game in ARPGs as I play the game, beat the final boss and then not really sure what the END GAME means!).

My point is this is why I like this game it plays into how I play ARPGs. I find Diablo and POE become a one button/key press and that really isn’t that much fun. This is much more skill based and that is what drew me to it. I find a weapon I like and fiddle a bit with weapons, armour and other bonuses and then plod on. I don’t find these builds I see people speak about (people in POE start from the beginning planning builds and so on) and I don’t pay that much attention to synergies (I should really but I don’t really have the time)

I have to say that even I found it getting a little too simple towards the end (I would like to say I got GUD but I don’t that is really the truth). I was around level 15 when the crucible opened up but I could be bothered to chop my way through mobs to get to a boss in early access and thought I would save it for the 1.0. I think at the end before I stopped playing I wasn’t really even healing much and had loads of food on me all the time.

The TLDR is I agree that the first few hours are why we are all here discussing what could be better because they feel so different from any of the other similar style games and I think the agreement is we don’t want to lose that. But with ARPGs you will naturally get the grinders, the META chasers and then the chumps like me that will just plod through the game using whatever tools I happen on and I think balancing for all these people is a nightmare!


Even if it seems that I draw a very hard line of incompatibility between both genre, I think there is room for both existing in the same realm.

But the line is quite thin …

If I had to nuance my message now it would be: “Be very very careful with your design choices!!! You may loose both audiences !!!”

@death_the_kid and @PlacidSaint.

Guys, I want to sincerely give you my apologies.

I think I’m trying to do too much at the same time on this forum that I sometimes loose track of what is happening, where and why … :crazy_face:

I misinterpreted your replies thinking that it was directed to my initial post when it was you debating about some other parallel concerns …

Sincerely sorry … :sweat:

I think we need less strong effects on gear in general.
Percentual life leech is always absurd and should be very rare or only one uniques. Flat life on hit is acceptable.

The actual state of the game is not very representative. Ist just a sandbox which lacks content but provides endgame features. This leads to running around with overpowered gear in level 1 areas. If this gets stretched out the problem is solved.

But i would like to see that player skill is always the main factor over gear. Maybe 60/40. In Elden Ring i got the feeling gear doesnt play a role whatsoever … maybe 90/10.

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We are all in the same boat. :wink:

I agree that the current state is not representative.

But some markers are alarming to me and I hope that Moon Studio and the community will make it a more cohesive ensemble.

nothing is certain but what Thomas said in x makes me confident for the future. i think they are really going to make this game have many expansions in the upcoming years, not only for the story but for the content as well that works with solo and multiplayer. its like waiting for the next season for game of thrones with my buddies.

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Can’t wait to see where it is going. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for sharing this because I don’t have X. :wink:

I may sound pessimistic on some of my interventions but it is more a:
“I hope that I screamed loud enough and we can avoid the worst”
than a pure lack of confidence on how amazing the next iterations of this game could be.

Keep up the good work @Ketsi. :wink:

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