[Moon Studio] What is the intended experience?

So the fact that players are spamming 1 button just shows that the game is not balanced in terms of damage and attribute mechanics. This is exactly what I’m talking about.

Now in the game, if you maximize any one attribute that scales this weapon - then the damage of rune attacks will also be scaled, you know? So I propose to make it so that the conditional damage from rune attacks was not from the attribute that depends on the weapon. And from another attribute that is responsible for damage from rune attacks. For example, it could be intelligence. That would be logical. That is, you would not be able to maximize dexterity and at the same time do huge damage with rune attack, if you want to play through the rune attack, you need to pump intelligence.

But again, you need to change the character attribute mechanics to do that. Then the gameplay will become clear and logical.

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I think it’s more to do with affixes and being able to create an infinite loop of Focus replenishment due to Rune specials generating Focus. Spend 50, gain 50.

On top of that, I believe daggers have 10 poise, which is on the lower end as you would expect. But the rune special has added in stagger. Due to the infinite focus replenishment loop it perma staggers.

I didn’t actually know this so thanks for that! I always wondered how they scaled, but I guess it does make sense.

I am on the team that does not like the idea of having additional weight to the 4 primary attributes. Most builds are kind of retroactive if that makes sense. You look at your gear/affixes and then decide the stats like stamina, equip load, health, stamina and the rest gets dumped into main attributes.

I like the fact that I don’t have to think to much about my attributes, and I think most of the depth will come from affixes and that more weight to attributes will clash with it.

I do agree with your argument about realism though, but would like to see it reflected more in gear. A greatsword scaling with Int should look magical not like a typical zweihander.

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I would be lying if I said this post did not put a damper on my spirits, haha. I’ve promised myself to see this game through and provide adequate feedback, especially on balance. I have faith difficult combat can be combined with the itemization of an ARPG.


It definitely can, there are just a couple of overperforming weapon/armor enchantments, and a few runes that are far above the rest.

These types of games are usually fine-tuned for YEARS, and this one has been out for a little over a week, to put things in perspective.


This is very well said and i’m on the very same boat as Lamni.
The beginning of the game felt awesome and unique. Loved every bit of the first 15ish hours. The moment i got items that enabled my character to restore all focus spent and heal HP per hit , this became just another diablo like.

After i made my 1st, 2nd and 3rd character unkillable with a quarter of max HP heal per hit i’ve decided to delete every single one of those character and create a new one with no life steal no focus on hit items and wearing only cloth/leather armor to actually learn to properly dodge enemies and enjoy the game how it felt just when i started it.

I really don’t think there’s need for another Hack&Slash ARPG on the market as there’s nothing new or innovative and the way this game feels with the current item affixes is definitely leaning that way.


You guys don’t seem to understand an important thing about this issue. You are unkillable not because you regenerate health, but because you have a higher character level compared to these mobs. There is no auto levling in the game, some mobs will just get weaker over time because you have to move to new areas where the enemy will be much stronger than you. I felt throughout the game that I had a hard time fighting enemies until I reached level 21 at least. And when it comes to level 30, there you are already gods to those mobs, you will just have to shift to another zone where the mobs are stronger. In EA the map is limited naturally


I’m going to piggyback off this comment.

If you are not using the various Focus on Damage Dealt or Health on Damage Dealt enchantments, I’ve found our ability to trivialize content goes down a good amount. Ideally, this means if Moon does further tune these enchantments we should be in good health.

In addition, Thomas stated on X, formerly known as Twitter, that the state of the areas will be dynamic in 1.0 rather than static through quest completions.


Try to create a new realm and try to kill the first boss in the game, you will realize that he has turned into a regular mob for you, he literally dies in a couple of hits. But it’s not because the game is easy, it’s because you’ve become stronger compared to that monster

We’ll see, I think with the release of 1.0 a lot of things will change in the minds of players regarding this game, hopefully for the better

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In addition to those. Backstabbing mid fight should be nerfed seriously.

And maybe tone down damage input with certain weapons. Or atleast investigate how upgrading your gear affects the balance.

At the moment upgrading your gear even without enchanting / gem socketing provides enormous advantages. Maybe even unintentionally so.

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I want to say they have it this way because of the Souls games. That being said, I always struggled to do it mid-combat in those games compared to Wicked.

I think you are wrong here. Health and focus on Hit do trivialise the game no matter the level. I’ve played with lvl 30 character who had 30 unspent attribute points and before i equipped a HP on damage dealt weapon the game was challenging and i had to dodge every single incoming hit. Once i equipped said weapon my playstyle changed completely. I was able to heal any incoming damage when 1v1 by just spamming attack button unless i got knocked down.
These two affixes enable a more reckless and less strategic approach to combat. Focus % on hit is just as broken as it is now you can restore more focus than you spend with some lower cost skills and spam them endlessly.


You knowing the game and comfortably/smartly utilizing its systems is a big difference from the game losing its identity. I’ve said this before but we’re here for a reason we’re most likely enthusiasts our experience of being full on heals & wiping EK in 30 seconds is not typical for the average player. So many of them will struggle, grind, and spend hours to finally get the rush of that first kill. Sure after 5 runs it’s trivial but literally any boss would be at that point. Even the most mechanically broken fight in other games like MH by the 5th kill you’re consistent and know the boss in & out.

And while this may be a soulslike it is also VERY clearly built with ARPG systems meaning if you want to play the game as a grinder/builder you can/will make a fight easier. If you want to go balls to the wall then it will feel like Demon Souls or DS1 which I think is what makes it magical. Think about the breadth of experiences not just yours and this forums.


If you make a vampire build, you will die if you don’t dodge bosses or strong mobs. Because they will stun you and kill you. But if you make a build based on armor, that is, you become heavy, then yes, you stop feeling bosses and strong mobs, but for this you need to pump up the payload, which means that you will lose in damage for such an unkillable build

yeah i think backstabbing should only be possible after certain heavy attacks or combos when the mob needs to take a breather, right now you can always do it when you’re just in the right position…

damn son, you should look at my gear, no health on damage, but all 4 armors have health regen^^

I think i should also get life leech on the weapon :wink: hell yeah, endgame nrftw now has finally meaning again :wink:

to be honest i like the reckless behaviour kind of style, there is method in this madness as you facetank into the fight and learn to just take enough hits to survive. you die a lot more but you also try get away with a lot more instead of playing it super safe which to me is then just a waiting game. so you gotta give maniacs like me their playstyle.

If you’re too proud to use health/focus on damage dealt, then just don’t. you’re in charge of your fantasy, own it :wink:

This is the best written and reasonable response I’ve seen on this thread so far. Not everyone’s experience is that of killing the echo knight in 30 seconds build and trivializes the game is the majority. I don’t know how many times I had to run through the crucible and lost to the echo knight before I finally beat him because I don’t use broken overpowered builds and couldn’t be bothered to gather what I need to make one, I just play whats fun whether that be a sword and board knight or Samurai with high dex with a katana and bow. Which is probably the majority of players experience. I find playing broken overpowered builds boring and unfun.


They should still balance the broken builds out of the game? Especially when multiplayer and pvp get implemented?

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i think what they have to do is probably introduce life leech per second or sth like poe did, so you can’t spam stuff and have to wait for you health/focus to replenish. because you can’t really nerf this mechanic without hurting everybody else…

they’ve already said they have tested it for iphone and want to try and get it on mobile devices.

Yeah, but if they make it a “mobile game” is a different story.

I’m too old to understand how modern phones have gone up in power to run a game like this. But I dont mind if you can do Sacrament stuff with your phone.