[Moon Studio] What is the intended experience?

This game is such an artwork!
The connection to your character and the surrounding is so intense. Felt nothing of that in any other arpg like diablo, poe or last epoch.
I guess thats why the cut is so hard after the twins and “uhm … thats it for now?”. We have to wait … so much potential to build on.


I have replied to it, great thoughts overall :+1:

It’s a lengthy response though.

They should add pets :joy:

But in all seriousness, I would prefer it if the core gameplay loop does not change too much during boss fights. I’m fine with feeling OP fighting trash when I’m overleveled. But I should still adhere to mechanics for the most part during a boss encounters.


Thomas replied to me with this. Dont know what he meant with content going well above max level cap exactly.

I think he meant the current level cap is 30, and the contents that would be added later would be balanced for (example) lvl 40. So the lvl 30 players can’t rely on their equipments alone.

Yeah but doesnt the current content cap around level 13? Atleast thats when I killed the twins.

Depends whether you count Crucibles as current content or not.

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Yeah. Well I’ve already made an alt that I left at 13 so I can continue the story with that one.

Would be pretty bad if you had to level to 30 to be able to continue the story after twins.

They should’ve made the crcuible for level 15ish and capped at that imo.

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We have experiences that are so far away from each other that I don’t think we can come to any agreement on the observations and the conclusions that we could make.

I enjoyed fully the first 10% of my playtime when you enjoyed most of it.

I’m concerned about the direction of the game when it seems that it mostly suits your expectations.

And it’s fine.

It’s a matter of taste here, no point arguing.

I’ll just finish by answering your objections.

I’ll go for the one with the shortest answer to provide first.

I never said that you “have to” be maxed out to tackle the Crucible.

I said that it is different from the first hours of the game “when” you are maxed out.

Concerning games where the best qualities are mixed and matched I have no problem at all with it, except if some core features conflict with each other.

And for me, in this game, it is exactly where we are.

I’ll try to keep it short.

Souls-like appeal is mostly mechanical.
No matter where I am in the progression what keeps me going is how varied the encounters are and how they break my habits to force me to adapt.
That’s why my favorite Souls-like is Lies Of Pi.
Because breaking the fights rhythm is what it does better than any other one that I can think of.
Concerning gear and weapon upgrades: They have a small impact on your progression and can even be ignored to some extent.

Diablo-like appeal is partially mechanical but more predominantly in the gearing, the skills management and the skills rotation.
Diablo-like games are heavily gear and META skills oriented if you want to play at the highest level.

Those simple descriptions combined, to me, sound incompatible.

First because it means that at some point in the game I’ll be encouraged, if not forced by the content to play the META game.
And by essence I don’t like that.
I’m for “Play what you want the way you want”.
Like any Souls-like game did up to Malenia where everybody had to bend the knees to the META.

And second, if you tell me that the core of the game is a Visceral Action RPG and you give me a static spamming turret endgame gameplay.
I don’t think your promise is fulfilled.

That’s pretty much it for me, I don’t think I have any other argument to put on the table.


I guess we need to figure out what that means to you? What do you mean by “action RPG”?

It’s the “viseral” aspect that I want to see preserved.

Action RPG or Fancy 2D Plateformer is fine by me.

Still don’t really understand it, I’d like specifics, but that’s at your discretion. If you want to continue the dialog on this topic

I think he means that when they add more content that even at max level it is still a challenge. Thus that reaching max level is not enough to tackle the content, but other systems are required. Enchanting probably.


That’d be great! I wouldn’t mind if you’d need to group up for certain endgame content either outside of the story. Or maybe you could tackle it by yourself by decking out in enchants like you said.


I’m sure @Lamni means he wants to conserve the initial helplessness in the game. Resources maybe being more scarce, you being unable to overlevel the content thus making every encounter potentially deadly to the player.


I don’t want to act in bad faith but if with everything that I wrote on this topic, plus, everything that I have already wrote on other topics isn’t enough to get my point.

I honestly don’t know what I can add …

Yeah maybe @RomoloHero or @Noktu can help out. :yum:

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I think @Lamni means that the Action in ARPG implies the visceral combat of the game in the early stages. The dodging, parrying, attack, charged attack, rune special. Where it is a mixture of multiple components coming together as one. Rather than spamming 1 rune special into infinity.


Yes I discovered this as well, was investing 6 points into my hybrid stats and the roi decreased significantly. Maybe it scales with level as well. Meaning that once we hit higher levels it scales harder. Some weapon stats seemed to have requirements of 100+ (still this was datamined)

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I initially felt similarly until I realized I just became a better player, and it had nothing to do with how hard the first few hours were. The first few hours felt hard on my first character, but I started a second character from level 0 on a new realm, and I was mowing down stuff just as brainlessly as before. Don’t underestimate how much of the difficulty decrease is due to you just becoming a better player


Just replayed the game yesterday and skill does indeed matter quite a bit. But the game still provided a bit more challenge at the start.

However, game has so many broken and unbalanced systems that reduce the amount of skill required. I found myself just bacjstabbing most mobs to death on my second playthrough. Which has nothing to do with skill, rather abusing broken game mechanics.


I think the problem is the language barrier, I have bad English, I use a translator. I think you may have noticed from my posts.