Jumping to chest in Crucible

This spot in one of the Crucible rooms with stone stairs seems to be imposible to jump or atleast harder then it should be. I tried to jump this 3 times. Eventho it should be pretty easy my character just didnt jump at all and kept runing until fel down and died because its realy high. So If someone goes for this chest right now they will most likely throw the whole Crucible try just because of this,

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strange, I never had any problems with this jump.
Once I fell from there because I wanted to sleep and ran too crookedly :slight_smile:

I dont know man. I rly tried it 3 times in a row and every time I fel down. If its just me and my hands then I am sorry devs for missguiding you.

Havent tried since cause I didnt want to lose my progres

While at times the parkour definitely messes up, I’ve only had an issue with that particular jump twice in ~70 hrs playtime.

Whenever I’m messing up jumps, I’ll usually try to adjust my approaching angle and see if that works, then make a mental note like “need to be close to the wall for that jump” and then hope I’ll remember :slight_smile:

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this spot kills me 50% of the times i try to get it :sob:

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I mostly die in front of this spot, at the very height where the magician stands before the jump. Jumped over or not, he constantly throws me off)
And if someone else is standing there with a shield - rip.

Annoys :slight_smile: