How to Give Proper Feedback!

This is where you share your feedback about the game! You can give feedback on everything, from the combat to level design, story, and audio!

As we approach the Early Access launch of No Rest for the Wicked, we want to take a moment to explain how you can provide feedback and the types of feedback we’re seeking throughout Early Access.

How can I give feedback on No Rest for the Wicked during Early Access?

While the Wicked Community Team will regularly monitor and share player feedback from various community channels with the development team, the best place to share your feedback is right here on Discourse; specifically in the Wicked Feedback category!

Be pithy, be topical, be insightful, and most importantly—use the right tags! If you share feedback regarding the combat system, use the combat tag for your topic:


What constitutes feedback? What types of feedback are you seeking?

Early Access is a collaborative effort to learn and improve, and we’re committed to doing so alongside our community of players. As we build upon the foundation of No Rest for the Wicked, your feedback—both positive and negative—will be invaluable in shaping the game’s evolution throughout Early Access.

We want to hear about all the things you’re passionate about; what you enjoy, what you don’t, and areas that could be enhanced or adjusted.

For more urgent issues such as crashes, freezes, or other game-breaking problems, please follow our bug reporting process. Addressing these issues is our top priority during Early Access.

In what language(s) are you accepting feedback?

At present, we’re only accepting responses in English.

We’re eagerly anticipating sharing No Rest for the Wicked with our community and eagerly await your feedback!

Happy Launching!