Game made me delete the wrong character

Spent so many hours farming on that character today, just for it to get deleted cause I wanted to delete another character that I missclicked my stat allocation on runing my build…

It even clearly says “Want to delete vamp” which is the character i meant to delete and instead it deletes my lvl 14 “vam” character, yea i saw it select it but why would it specify still that its going to delete the one that i meant to delete but then delete my main…

I really hope there is a way to revert deleting a character if this kind of bug exists…

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I did same thing but with realm, with all my house stuff in it. F but it’s okay. WILL BE FINE

Does the same thing happen with realms where it ghost selects another realm like in the clip i sent? Resulting in you deleting a realm that you didn’t select to delete

I don’t know exactly, cuz it happened like in less then 1 second, I didn’t even noticed what I deleted my realm, but I thought I chosen right realm to delete