Focus use for archers and mages

I believe you can solve the focus system for archers and mages like, you can give close range magic and close range archery for gaining focus and then get far from enemy and shoot.

Or like you can give secondary smaller mage staffs and one hand you have a sword and one hand you have staff. It’s like a lite mage and lite archer for focus based combat like you get up close and deal damage with sword and roll back to do spells or shoot arrows with focus.
But you have to have a big bows and big staffs that are main weapon and its damages with stamina with a big damage like swords has. So you can have not lose the system that you have now, and you can gain more players for mage and archer class with main hand staffs and bows. You can have big bows with strenght scale or big bows with less heavier with scale with dexterity. And same goes for staff as well int main hand staffs deals sorsery magic and main hand staff deals magic scale with faith ext.

Plus for archery maybe It would be great if we could use a single arrow as the main weapon. Then it would feel like a real archer. We can only kill with a bow and arrow. We can have an arrow stabbing animation like a dagger as the main weapon, but we can increase the focus and use it to shoot arrows.

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