Feedback regarding new Try Before You Buy feature

  1. Please give back some form of visual indication on the icon that stat req are not met
  2. Let me see in some way the original damage values so i can decide if i want to keep a weapon for my alt (or respec)

[While we are on this topic, range brackets or “Advanced” tooltips would be highly appreciated]


yep I also want to draw eyes to this try before you buy is a HUGE net positive but it’s kinda weird now I don’t even know which weapons I can use on my build until I hover over each & every one

I agree. It makes it a real pain to save well rolled bases for future builds/alts. Just a simple 25 (5) to show weapon strength and weapon strength when equipped would suffice.

100% approval - especially 2’nd point. I know, that quite a lot of people wanted some kind of “try before you buy” feature… but it’s a mystery to me how the game system designers could overlook such a critical aspect… leaves me speechless :astonished: You can’t compare weapons right now anymore… you can’t tell, whether the new katana would be better than your axe and whether you should go for a respec or stick to your main attributes, because you don’t see the original damage of the newly found weapon anymore :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: