Base Stat Compare on Items

It would be nice to know the base stats between two weapons to see if the scaling will be greater or not. As it stands the in game compare shows the item versus my item that’s already upgraded.

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Yes, this. I was just about to create my own post on this.

It looks like the upcoming patch will show a way of comparing an item in inventory to a similar item you have equipped. That’s a great quality of life.

However, one thing that would help me out even more is if the information displayed for an item showed not just its current values, but also its base values before any upgrades or enchantments.

I am still unable to easily tell if something I pick up that currently has lower values than what I’m already using will or won’t get better than it, assuming I just invest enough resources into improving it.

No doubt over time I’ll get better at judging this, but I’d really appreciate some quick way of seeing the base values of any item I look at.

Or, looked at another way, there could be an indicator of the amount by which the base values of something that’s been upgraded or enchanted have been been increased (or decreased in the case of curses). That would have the same effect.