Everything and mostly the combat system is wrong

I’ll just touch on some stuff briefly.

I do think the transitioning of combat from Early to Late could be better, but, it is EA. And we are missing FULL affixes, enchanting and more. I do think the systems in place are good at their core, but need a lot more depth. Which I am sure they are aware off.

They wanted players to see stamina as resource management for boss fights. So you have to consistently pay attention to it. I think this is okay, wish they expended more upon it though. Focus as resource management I dislike. Especially if they want us to use runes intuitively. Since we can lack focus at the moment we want to use our runes. Which feels really bad.

Also parry is pretty strong vs bosses when applicable since it stagger them and creates an opening. Blocking requires a build to be more effective since it only blocks X% or X flat damage.

I do think that making runes part of the combat loop/flow in a reactive sense with short cooldowns will make combat feel a lot better; rather than just powerful finishers. We just need more incentives for the various mechanical distinctions. Then add the ability to customize runes. I think cooldowns as a limiting factor make more sense than focus from the perspective of wanting a fluid combat flow. Focus is a shared resource so people will default to the best rune.

The game has a lot of potential and I hope they fully utilize it. I have a lot of faith in Moon that they will achieve this.

For reference, Diablo vs Souls is like one of the biggest discussions on the forum. Since you are new I’ll leave 2 links to relevant topics should you be interested in them:

  1. [Moon Studio] What is the intended experience?

  2. Souls or Diablo Combat? You can’t do both

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