Enemies fall through floor in Southern Black Trench

At first, I thought it was a one-time issue when a couple of days ago I saw a red mercenary fall through the floor collider and end up somewhere below, out of reach, preventing me from completing the bounty for killing them. Exiting and re-entering the game helped at that time. Now, I see enemies falling through the same floor again in this same area of the map. Sometimes half their bodies are sticking out, sometimes just their heads, and sometimes they fall through completely. Not to brag, but my character can clear rooms with a single button press :smirk: so I couldn’t take a screenshot while he was still alive, clipping through the floor

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i had the “half enemies sticking out of the floor” as well in mariner’s keep some times. i think that might have sth to do how the system spawns/respawns enemies when taking kill bounties…

we have investigated the issue internally, thanks for the report